Working on the map

The game will have a "map" mode (like its predecessor), which allows fast travel between islands.

At the moment it allows travel to any island, but I'll update it so it only allows going to already-solved islands.

I still haven't decided if the map will show all the islands or only the solved ones (using some "fog of war" effect usual in some games).

What do you think?

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Woah, camera rotation! Fog would add to the sense of exploration and I don't think would be concealing anything that's useful to the player (except if you have a "main path", but you could also indicate that in other ways). So I say do it.

I suspect there will be no "main path" :) but perhaps there will be some things to discover in the "leaf" islands, so I tend to concur.

Is the camera rotation too much for this kind of games? I tend to like it, but perhaps it's not necessary if I can keep the puzzle size in control (the other direction would be to add camera zoom).