Enemy mode?

During a playtest session recently, the idea came up of a "negative" mode for the game: one in which the player must reach the other shore, but leaving behind a non-traversable bridge, because the people in both shores are enemies instead of friends, and must be prevented from fighting. I liked the idea, as a fun variation of the main mechanic, so I made some changes to the code to try it.

Sadly, the change resulted (at least as far as I tried) in puzzles that were almost isomorphic to normal puzzles, but with an extra maneuver or two at the end; so I ended up abandoning the idea for this game. But the concept of having two fundamentally opposed mechanics is very evocative, so I filed it away in the "future ideas" folder :)

This is a very good habit I learned from other developers; identifying when a fun or good idea is simply not working currently, but saving it for later. One never knows in what context they could be useful.

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